Importance of Men Teachers: And Reasons Why There Are So Few

This book reports the findings from the largest national study of men and women’s attitude about men working in early and elementary education. It provides details about the history of education, problems men face and the solutions to the low number of men teachers. Demographics and numerous quotes from the men and women surveyed.
Big Body Play – Why Boisterous, Vigorous, and Very Physical Play Is Essential to Children’s Development and Learning

“Big body play”—the sometimes rowdy, always very physical running, rolling, climbing, tagging, jumping, grabbing, and wrestling that most children love and many adults try to shut down—can and should be an integral part of every early childhood setting.
Essential Touch

Some programs have adopted no-touch policies, and others allow only a very minimal level of physical contact between teachers and children. Yet touch is as necessary as food or water for young children to thrive and grow physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Experiences of touch in all its forms whether nurturing touch from adults, tactile explorations of the environment, or physical interactions with peers are essential to high-quality early care and education.
Go Where You Belong: Male Teachers as Cultural Workers in the Lives of Children, Families, and Communities

The purpose of this book is to continue the dialogue about the importance of men in the lives of young children and the teaching profession. By sharing their stories, male teachers in this book educate the reader about the challenges they face as men; however, their stories also offer solutions and suggestions as how to work with parents, students, peer teachers, and others in order to maximize student achievement.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Teachers and Accusations of Abuse

Crimes against children are unspeakable. The natural instinct of our society is to protect our children at all cost. In the process, collateral damage has been done to teachers wrongly accused of abuse. Guilty Until Proven Innocent examines thirteen of Greg Lawler’s cases in detail and explores the societal pressures that led to the persecution of innocent teachers. Using real cases that Lawler has litigated, the book explains the role of legislators, the media and the public in the growing phenomenon of teachers being falsely accused of abuse against students.
Men in Child Care and Elementary Education: A Handbook for Administrators and Teachers

First book writtten about men in child care by men in the profession. Read stories about men from different occupations becoming teachers. Information about preventing accusations of abuse and solutions about recruiting and retaining more men in early education.
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