When a ground-breaking bid to hire more male role models to teach Edinburgh’s youngest children was launched, it was hailed a major success.

Now the organisation, Men In Childcare, wants to offer men in Aberdeen the same opportunity.

The group, which has the motto, “Men need women, women need men, children need both”, is to run free classes at Aberdeen College from Tuesday, September 22.

“We have never implied, as far as childcare is concerned, that men do it better, but they do it differently,” said Colin Chisholm, UK co-ordinator of the Edinburgh-based group.

“There is a clear and specific need for men to be involved in young children’s lives, not only as positive role models but also in their day-to-day upbringing.”

Since its inception in 2001, the Men in Childcare organisation has had enormous success in central Scotland, with more than 1,200 men undergoing some form of training.

The organisation offers childcare training for men completely free of charge, ranging from a certificated induction course through to the Higher National Certificate in Childcare and Early Education.

Now this innovative project, which encourages men to look at childcare as a career, will launch in the Granite City.

Weekly evening classes, entry to which requires no qualifications, will run from 6.30pm until 8.30pm from September 22.

These are fully accredited and cover all major aspects of childcare.

Application forms and details are available only through Men in Childcare, and not via Aberdeen College.

For an application form or further details, call Freephone 0800 027 9499, or visit www.meninchildcare.com