August 2008

1) Join the Northeast USA mailing list or start your own
2) Pose with someone and we’ll post your photo
3) A summer program that successfully recruits young men
4) Men on a Mission: Valuing Youth Work in Our Communities
5) The ongoing cartoon debate – offensive or lack of sense of humor?
6) Seeking men for a research project
7) You Teach What? The experiences of a teacher-principal-coach
8) Do you want to start your own male teacher training program?
9) A teacher’s hard lesson: ‘Not guilty’ is not enough
10) Resources – Find out about resources and websites about men teaching.

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1) Join the Northeast USA mailing list or start your own
If you live in the Eastern USA you can get on a regional e-mail list and keep uptodate with what’s happening in your region. If you are in another region, consider starting your own state or regional MenTeach group. Go here to sign up for the NE MenTeach e-list or drop MenTeach a line to build your own:


2) Pose with someone and we’ll post your photo
Have you seen those photographs of famous people posing with someone. Well, we’d like to have you have someone famous pose with the “Men Who Change Diapers, Change The World” bumper sticker. Thanks to Kitt Cox for this great idea. Spread the word about the importance of men caring for children


3) A summer program that successfully recruits young men
This year we got 131 young men who put working in Preschool as their first or second choice for the Mayor’s Summer Youth Work Program. We were able to place 27 of them in Cambridge preschool.


4) Men on a Mission: Valuing Youth Work in Our Communities
Read a new book by William Marsiglio’s that is based on a new qualitative study. He interviewed and observed men in a wide range of youth work settings, including elementary, middle, and high school teachers. I also have a separate section on men and schools in the book.


5) The ongoing cartoon debate – offensive or lack of sense of humor?
We continue to have posting about the cartoon by Tom Scott posted to MenTeach.Are men being whiny? What do you think?


6) Teacher Shortage or Teacher Turnover

Shaun Johnson, who taught the first graduate course focusing on men teachers, is continuing his recent and needs some volunteers.


7) You Teach What? The experiences of a teacher-principal-coach
What’s it like to be 6’5″ and work with first graders. A principal tells his story about his experiences teaching and coaching.


8) Do you want to start your own male teacher training program?

Sometimes on quiet days (or when we want a distraction from all the work we have) we’ll do a search on the internet about male teachers, men teachers, or this time “male teacher training programs.”

We found a very interesting program called: MATES – Male Teacher Support program, where else but Australia.


9) A teacher’s hard lesson: ‘Not guilty’ is not enough
A powerful and painful story about what happened to a male teacher who is false accused and the impact on his life. Have you ever been falsely accused? Do you know anyone who has been?


10) Resources – Find out about resources and websites about men teaching.
There is scholarship, loan forgiveness, tuition free programs as well as instructions on how to get alternative teacher certification.


ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

Forward Our Message – be sure to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in teaching children.

JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach today
 – support our mission to increase the number of men teachers.

VOLUNTEER for MenTeach 
– help make a difference by volunteering with MenTeach. We could use help moderating forums, posting articles that you find, updating the bibliography, hosting a group in your region, do some research about the percentages in your state, get involved and make some new friends. Drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to do.

 MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.