Dr. Margaret King - Ohio University

Men Teachers
The course will explore current research and practice about male teachers including the status of men who teach, challenges facing men who teach, current models used to encourage and support men who teach, and resources for men who teach.

You will have an opportunity to read current research and interact via an online discussion board.

HCGE479D call number: 02367 (undergraduate 4 credit hours) or
HCGE 579D call number: 02368 (graduate 5 credit hours)

Need More Information Contact: Dr. Margaret King, kingm@ohio.edu

Boy-Ready Teachers/Boy-Ready Classrooms
Teaching boys can be both challenging and rewarding! This course will offer you an opportunity to learn strategies that will turn challenging into rewarding. Using current research and practice students will have opportunity to examine their images, beliefs, and views of boys and acquire strategies for creating boy-ready classrooms.

You will have an opportunity to read current research and interact via an online discussion board. Topics covered will include: the growth and development of boys-physically, emotionally, socially, cognitively; how boys perform in school and what can be done to improve their performance; guidance and discipline approaches; appropriate curriculum and strategies for creating boy-ready teachers and classrooms.

HCGE 490B call number: 02369 (undergraduate 4 credit hours)
HCGE 590B call number: 02370 (graduate 5 credit hours).

You can read an article about some of Dr. King’s work here.