by Dominic Cansdale - 4BC1116Talk Radio

The Queensland College of Teachers has commissioned a review into the factors which influence people when choosing teaching as a first career.

It comes as recent figures show the number of male teachers in Queensland state primary schools falling to just 16% of the workforce.

According to Kevin Bates, President of the Queensland Teachers Union, perceptions of teaching being a ‘feminised profession’ or elements of unjustified suspicion being levelled at male teachers, contributes to this low figure.

“I think it’s an element that certainly does impact some people’s choices in relation to our profession but it’s one of a number.”

Speaking to Clare Blake on 4BC, Mr Bates also pointed to issues of low pay and the level of respect afforded to teachers in the community.

“When you compare to other professions, while the starting salary is not too bad, after 13 years of teaching the salary tops out at about $80 000 a year which in many communities is not seen as being a significant reward for the work that teachers do.”