There is a small, but slowly growing body of evidence about the importance of men teachers.

In one study, we find that boys do better in reading if they have a male teacher.

In another study in the United Kingdom, “finds that three-quarters (76 per cent) of boys aged eight to 11 are in favour of schools having teachers of both genders.”

The study goes on to report that “Boys also admitted that the presence of a male teacher makes them behave better (51 per cent) and work harder (42 per cent). There are also more intangible qualities, with many boys saying that male teachers help them enjoy school more (44 per cent) and feel more confident about themselves (37 per cent).”

In a study also conducted by the United Kingdom governmental Training and Development Agency for Schools also find that parents also want their children to have male teachers, “Three quarters of parents questioned believe that it is important for young children to have both male and female teachers and 83 per cent say that they would like to see more men teaching primary age children.”

Many argue that boys will do better with a male teacher – but – there is not enough conclusive scientific evidence. But there are other reasons to recommend that men teach. That it is equitable, fair and truly demographic. What better way for children to see the world, on a daily basis, then to see both women and men working with children. The key is having quality teachers in the classroom that are representative of the community and the children and families.