Sitting at a table hanging out with some guys that is sponsored by the Men in Education Network (M.E.N.) Interest Forum at the National Association for the Education of Young Children conference and National Black Child Development Institute. We’ve been looking at the conference program and we’re noticing more and more events about men, boys and fathers.

  • Encouraging male involvement in early childhood programs
  • Supporting father/male involvement with young children in homeless families
  • Supporting father involvement: Brain-based strategies
  • Fostering developmentally and culturally appropriate literacy experiences for boys of color
  • Making your program boy friendly, father friendly, and family friendly (It’s good for girls too!)
  • Appreciating our dads: Strategies for actively involving fathers in early childhood programs
  • Changing our perceptions: The importance of male role models in early childhood education
  • Supporting Korean fathers in the United States
  • Socially and physically interactive play for young boys: Intentional planning, successful experiences
  • A few good men: The male role in early childhood education
  • The educational progress of young Black boys: An examination of past and current early childhood practices in the United States
  • “Would you like for me to call your father?” Acknowledging fathers as more than disciplinarians
  • Where in the world are the men in ECE? International insights for recruiting, supporting, and retaining men in early care and education
  • Hands-on activities for promoting strong father involvement
  • The invisible man: Portraying positive images of African American men
  • Young warriors in preschool classrooms: The importance of positive teacher-child relationships for Black boys who exhibit challenging classroom behavior
  • Boy purpose: Helping boys find meaning in something greater than themselves
  • Welcoming the men: Understanding the dynamics that keep men out of the early childhood field and how to turn the trend around
  • Helping boys learn emotional intelligence: What we can learn from gender science
  • Teaching boys: Change the classroom, not the child


It’s very hopeful to us and great fun to see how our work has grown.

Look for more conversations if we can find the time!