by Dan Sakowski

I came across your website as I was researching how to start my new “second” career in life and that is to FINALLY become an elementary school teacher.

I’ve always wanted to teach. I’ve spent my entire adult career teaching adults as a corporate trainer for some large companies in the U.S. and internationally as well.

Since I turned 40 I have been day dreaming about a new career teaching elementary school. My wife is a teacher and I’ve watched and learned from her over the many years we’ve been married and I know if I got job satisfaction teaching adults it can only be magnified when teaching children!

I finally just graduated college (my 4 year degree) in business. I started it when I first got out of the military in 1988 and one marriage, house and two kids later…I’m finally finishing this year!

As I look forward to starting my next chapter in my own education I figured it might be a good idea to start thinking about my new career. I’d have to take a huge pay cut obviously but to me it’s worth it. I’m looking at a Master’s Degree in Education and I’d like to teach K-5.

I’m glad there are organizations out there like this one and would like to learn more from other men who are in the same boat I’m in and have either done it or…still thinking about doing it.
