The Journal of Men's Studies

The Journal of Men’s Studies is planning a special issue dealing with male teachers, the importance of male teachers in the lives of young children, and the teaching practices that both encourage and discourage males from entering the teaching profession.

We especially want to highlight research that is moving in the direction of incorporating intersectional identities like class, race, sexual orientation, ability/disability, and so forth. Other questions of interest would be (but not limited to): Is a different perspective on the roles of schools and all teachers needed to encourage a different ethos when it comes to gender? What is the role and responsibility of educational programs in creating a real space for males in the early grades classrooms? What makes males enter the teaching profession despite the social and personal barriers that discourage them from teaching in the early grades? What educational policies and educational programs can realistically alleviate the lack of male teachers in the early grades?

Manuscripts highlighting research, theory, action plans, or even what may be labeled as non-traditional practices will be considered. The intent of this issue is not to rehash essentialist views of gender or raising awareness of the so-called “boys crisis.” Papers that include diversity by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status and social class as well as those that cover more than one society are especially sought.

Send queries to any of the co-editors listed below. Papers should be sent to any of the co- editors listed below.

Deadline for full papers: May 15, 2010.

Submissions should include title, abstract, keywords (max of five), and text. Authorship should be provided on a separate page to ensure blind review. Maximum word length should be 8,500 (including references)

Special issue’s co-editors: Frances Carlson (, Kevin Davison (, Shaun Johnson (, Andrew Kitchenham (, Bryan Nelson (, Lemuel Watson (, and Patrick Webster (