Kitt Cox

Hello MenTeach,

Here’s a great opportunity for men and women in Massachusetts to learn about how to have an impact on education policies, develop professional networks, and to build advocacy skills. Diverse leadership connected to community – architects of change.

Schott happens!


It’s that time again!

We are looking for great people to be Fellows in 2009. The application, due September 15, 2008, can be found on

We know from experience that YOU are the best way to identify most people who are both qualified for and appropriate for the Fellowship. This year, we would particularly like to invite multiple persons from Central and Western Massachusetts, and the Cape. We also encourage you to identify MEN and people of color.

The 2009 policy topics are:
1 Family Childcare
2 Children, Families, Race, and Culture
3 Young Children and Disabilities
4 Workforce Issues in Early Care and Education
5 Young Children in Public Schools
6 Policy Issues Related to Regionalization (i.e. Western Mass, Cape Cod)