Understanding the role of male elementary school teachers in the social development of children raised by single mothers in the Jewish community of Montreal, Canada.
This is a phenomenological study exploring the role male elementary school teachers have in the social development of children raised by single-mothers in the Jewish community of Montreal, Canada. This qualitative study explores the experiences of 11 unique individuals from the Montreal Jewish community, as well as my own narrative perspective. It offers insight on an emerging issue of the role male teachers have in the social development of children growing up with the absence of a supportive father. This study explores educational issues and the role teachers play in the lives of children. It explores sociological issues of child development, family structure, the increasing rate of separation and divorce, and their effects on children. This study will add a different perspective as it explores how an increase in male elementary school teachers can have a positive influence in the social development of children, and especially boys, in our society.
Stuart Cohen,
B. Ed., MA, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Elementary school teacher and assistant summer camp director.