
Hey that’s great! Congratulations. Tell me more about the job you just got, it is inspiring to hear about the experience as other males are going through the same thing. I agree with you on the stereotypes dealing with ages, the daycare centers that I interviewed at all had a mindset that men just can’t stand babies or little kids, and I’m like “Umm I can speak for myself, Thanks”

It’s awesome when you have been persevering and then it just comes together, I had a family just hire me for a full time Manny position (I posted more about it on the forum) but the MOTHER! was the one who was adamant that I work for them, after I met the father and spoke with him and interacted with him some around the babies he felt comfortable about the idea of a male caregiver, but the whole hiring process I was like ???

The mother even said to me and I quote “I think it is better for a man to do those things”
speaking about changing the diapers and all the other things that come with caring with infants. I really want to find out what planet she comes from because most of the attitude towards men in the field is anything but passionate and zealous.

Bryan gave me an idea of keeping a journal through my experience of this job, I would be interested to hear about what you’re going through at this Daycare in NY, maybe keep a journal as well???