
Hi Andy….just read about your thesis…sounds very interesting!! I, too have wondered what to do about attracting more males to early childhood teaching and why men feel inclined to go into HS or college teaching rather than elementary.
Some background……I taught Elementary School for 33 years in NYState….early in the 1970’s, I began teaching 4th grade, later in mid 80’s went to 2nd grade, and then in 1988-2004 taught kindergarten! Of all the grade levels, kindergarten was so awesome!!! It was such an exciting career and I really enjoyed it! Over the years, I had many student teachers….but never a male! I am currently supervising Student Teachers out here at ASU and have succeeded in encouraging 1 male to get into kindergarten teaching and he reports that he likes it a lot.
Contact me if you want more information or need someone to interview…more than willing to help.

David George
Phoenix, AZ