Congratulations to Patrick Romero, a teacher at Horizons for Homeless Children Edgerley Family Community Children’s Center. He has received an award at the 8th Annual Early Childhood Educators Gala. His award was for “Relationships” in early childhood education- This is what they said in presentation-“Patrick is an exceptional and inspiring teacher who utilizes his skills and warmth to build strong relationships with children. He uses developmentally appropriate strategies that have helped children to not only feel valued in the classroom, but also in the community. He teaches problem solving skills so children can better communicate with each other and with adults. He attends conferences, workshops, and classes on early childhood practices to read and learn strategies to improve his craft. He is committed to guiding each child to develop positive relationships with teachers,parents, peers, and most importantly herself.
Hooray for Patrick!

Thanks to Jeffry Robbins for presenting at the New Hampshire AEYC on men and he continues to “show up” on men’s issues. He showed up March 28 for a panel I organized for participants at the MassAEYC in Westford, MA

We are getting ready for a night with Dr.Edgar Klugman, talking about his 59 years in early childhood Education. This event will be May 12 at 6:30 at Wheelock College Alumni room. Please join us.

Also there was a workshop at the BAEYC conference on Building an Inclusive community May 2 on Boys and Men in Early Childhood.