MenTeach E-News
April 2010

1) Schools Employ Bouncers Instead of Teachers
2) Number of male primary school teachers rising
3) Real men teach kids
4) Male elementary teacher candidates: Initial career choice
5) MenTeach – New England (Men in Education Network) honors teacher
6) Fatherless boys have significantly higher feelings of self worth with male teacher
7) Teenager urges men to try out the world of childcare
8) Record numbers of men are training to be primary school teachers
9) Men’s Stories: Teacher Ross Anderson named We Deliver award winner
10) Conferences – Manitoba Child Care Association

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1) Schools Employ Bouncers Instead of Teachers

Schools in the UK have started employing hired muscle in order to control rowdy classrooms across the country. A London teacher revealed at the annual conference of the National Union of Teachers that bouncers were being taken on as supervisory staff to instill discipline in children and oversee crowd control. The initiative comes just months after a national call for more male teachers in British schools, after a study found that many teenage boys lacked a male role model to look up to. One bouncer, initially taken on in one school as a part-time substitute teacher, has now been given a permanent role and is employed for a reported 20,000 pounds a year, according to the BBC. Although not qualified as a teacher, the bouncer monitors classrooms and supervises work prepared by other teaching staff. What do you think about this? Read the article: /node/1308


2) Number of male primary school teachers rising

Headteachers say the number of male teachers working in Cumbria’s primary schools is growing despite new Government figures which reveal men account for fewer than 30 per cent of staff in more than 200 schools. According to new figures released by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) male teachers account for fewer than 30 per cent of all staff at 231 of the county’s 275 local authority schools. Additional breakdowns reveal fewer than two in 10 teachers are male at 192 of the schools across the county and in 135 schools just one in 10 of the teachers are men. Read more:  /node/1340


3) Real men teach kids

‘Fewer Male Instructors Now Entering the City Public School Service’ read a headline in The New York Times in March of 1912. Its first paragraph stated: ‘There is unmistakably a scarcity of men among the teachers recently appointed, or to be more accurate, among those who have accepted appointment. The explanation is simple — men are unwilling to accept the initial salary, $720 a year, now paid in the elementary schools.’
Read the full editorial and people’s comments: /node/1342


4) Male elementary teacher candidates: Initial career choice

By Jon Bradley – McGill University – Canada – Do male teachers have a place in the elementary school? While several research and societal traditions suggest that males should be represented in the elementary classroom, contemporary demographic data dramatically indicate that few males are entering elementary education. Via an initial narrative exploration, a group of beginning male teacher candidates share their thoughts on their own initial career choices and speculate on their professional place in the elementary classroom. Read the entire article: /node/1343


5) MenTeach – New England (Men in Education Network) honors teacher

Jim St. Clair is being awarded the second Steve Shuman Award in support of Men in early education and care for his longtime commitment in the field of Early Education and Care. Read the article and see the photos: /node/1346


6) Fatherless boys have significantly higher feelings of self worth with male teacher
[MenTeach: Here is so early research from the 1970s showing that there is a positive effect having male teachers.] The research to be described includes two related investigations, one of which was a study of elementary school teachers’ perceptions of fatherless boys. The second study involved an attempt to determine relative affects of male and female teachers on the social and emotional development of fatherless boys during the early elementary school years. Read the abstract and download the article:  /node/1348


7) Teenager urges men to try out the world of childcare

A teenage would-be teaching assistant has added his voice to calls for more men to work in the early years sector. Scott Davidson, from Blaenclydach, Rhondda, is currently undertaking a childcare course at Tonypandy College and encouraged others to consider following suit in a bid to address the low number of men entering the profession. The 19-year-old said his passion for working with children stemmed from helping younger relatives with learning to read while he was growing up. Read the article: /node/1355


8) Record numbers of men are training to be primary school teachers

What was once a female-dominated profession is becoming increasingly gender-netural, and more men than ever before are applying for post-graduate certificates of education (PGCE) in the field. The university has launched Men in Primary, a scheme offering support for male students through a mentoring programme and a series of workshops. Read the article: /node/1365


9) Men’s Stories: Teacher Ross Anderson named We Deliver award winner

Hillsborough County resource teacher Ross Anderson knew something big was happening Friday at Van Buren Middle School. But he had no idea the party — and a check for $10,000 — was for him. Anderson, 40, was named this year’s We Deliver award winner. The award, funded by an anonymous donor through the district’s education foundation, recognizes an employee who “delivers miracles every day,” said superintendent Mary Ellen Elia.: /node/1368


10) Conferences – Manitoba Child Care Association

Check out the conference. Ron Blatz and Bryan Nelson will be presenting there. And and Frances Carlson will be the keynoter. Check out the workshops, hope we see you there:


ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

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E-LETTER POLICY FOR INCLUSION: MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.

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