MenTeach E-News
January 2010

1) Teacher of Year blends lessons together
2) Reader’s Comments about why so few male teachers
3) Coming soon! 4th Men in Early Childhood Education Summit 2010 in New Zealand
4) Career changers wanting to going into teaching
5) John Suur: A caring man to the rescue!
6) School is hiring male teachers
7) Florida College creates $300,000 minority teacher program
8) Things happening in Manitoba, Canada with men teaching
9) New Teaching Men site in Australia
10) Resources – Where to get a teaching degree

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1) Teacher of Year blends lessons together

Rows of mini-kitchens and sewing machines line the large life skills lab at West Geauga Middle School in Chester Township, but during class time there’s more than stitching and baking going on.

Dale Smith, who recently received Teacher of the Year honors, blends in math, business, and a smattering of other related lessons while instructing teens how to cook and sew.

The Chardon resident noted that the subject, formerly known as home economics, is not just about cooking anymore. Read the entire story: /node/1259


2) Reader’s Comments about why so few male teachers

One of our readers, Mr. Philllip, forwarded this interesting commentary about a newspaper article about men teaching. Thanks Phil. Matthew K. Tabor reviews an article by Ernst Lamothe Jr. of the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reports that the number of male teachers nationwide has hit a 40-year low and that the number of male teachers in New York State elementary schools has halved in about 25 years. He goes on to write that: The article is effusive with the human interest element – which really isn’t interesting at all – but it’s worth reading for the nuggets about the state of teaching in New York.. Read the rest of his comments and the journalists reply: /node/1232


3) Coming Soon! 4th Men in Early Childhood Education Summit 2010 in New Zealand

This is your opportunity to be part of something extraordinary – a national gathering of men who are working and studying in early childhood education. Come along and meet other men who are involved in this exceptional work, contribute your own stories and be inspired. Find out the dates and location: /node/1212


4) Career changers wanting to going into teaching
Yes. It’s a very tight economy. And many school districts and programs are laying off and not hiring. But teaching still remains a good place to work. In the next few years, we will see a large percentage of teachers retiring. It probably would have happened sooner except for this “don’t call it a depression” depression that we are in. To prepare for this change there two programs I want to highlight for career changers. Read about the two interesting programs: /node/1235


5) John Suur: A caring man to the rescue!

John Suur has provided child care for emergency situations for many years. You can read about his other efforts in Louisana. And in Florida for another effort. John Suur has been volunteering to offer child care services after diasters for many years. He is an attorney who retired from working at the World Bank and has worked with Toddlers for many years in his “retirement.”

He starts off with: ‘My latest escapade with disaster relief was last week in Marietta, Georgia, in an American Red Cross shelter at the Cobb Civic Center. The Center, which normally is a basketball, etc., arena, had a capacity for about 400 cots.’ Read the rest of his story: /node/1238


6) School is hiring male teachers
We’ve gotten some e-mails from men saying that schools are not hiring men. We wanted to offer this e-mail from a school out in California.

I am the Human Resources Director for a Preschool-6th grade independent school in Los Angeles.  We would like to try and recruit male teachers, and were wondering if there is any way we can post our job openings with you, or if you have any ideas as to where we can post. To find the job listings: /node/1250


7) Florida College creates $300,000 minority teacher program

Five students from St. Johns River Community College will be the first in the state to participate in a new scholarship program created to recruit, educate and place minority male teachers into elementary school classrooms. Read the article: /node/1264


8) Things happening in Manitoba, Canada with men teaching
I am pleased to announce that the local Manitoba Chapter of MECE (Men in Early Childhood Education) now has a leadership team. A special thanks and welcome to Adam Manicom from Assiniboine Castle Day Care who has graciously offered to help me organize our local meetings and guide the direction of the group. Read their plans for the next six months: /node/1246


9) New Teaching Men site in Australia
A PhD candidate has launched a new site about men teaching in Australia. Get the link to the new site: /node/1243


10) Resources – Where to get a teaching degree

We just added a new resource called Education Degree. You can find out about all the education degree programs. You can find additional resources about becoming a teacher.


ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

Forward Our Message – be sure to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in teaching children.

JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach today – support our mission to increase the number of men teachers.

VOLUNTEER for MenTeach – help make a difference by volunteering with MenTeach. We could use help moderating forums, posting articles that you find, updating the bibliography, hosting a group in your region, do some research about the percentages in your state, get involved and make some new friends. Drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to do.

E-LETTER POLICY FOR INCLUSION: MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.

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