1) Are men hired as administrators?
2) From NFL to nanny
3) A gender divide is increasing in the professions
4) Available now – DVD about male teachers – Expect male involvement
5) Boys do better when they are taught by men, study finds
6) What’s your favorite movie about male teachers?
7) False allegation: Do you have any advice?
8) Few male teachers, but does it matter?
9) Do you know someone who wants to be a teacher?
10) Resources – Financial Resources and Programs for Men Teaching

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1) Are men hired as administrators?
I am a male teacher and I just want to thank you for your web site. It is nice to see.

I do have my administrators license and the last interview I went on, it seemed like I had the job but the last comment made to me… (in a ‘off the record’ kind of way) was, ‘I am not sure I want to be the one to hire a male as an administrator.’

Read the rest of his letter: /node/1102


2) From NFL to nanny
Politely but firmly, Mr. Clarke explains that he had spoken his piece in numerous telephone conversations starting in February. Now, six weeks later, there is nothing left to talk about. Besides, he has work to do inside. Behind the front bay window, a young mother cradles her infant son. Her older son is busy at the dinner table. The children are Mr. Clarke’s work. Franklin, as he is known in this neighborhood, is the gray-bearded nanny to Quinn, 5, and MacAllan Clarke Tugwell, 1.



3) A gender divide is increasing in the professions
Dr. Brian McKinstry of Edinburgh University is a brave man. Writing in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal, he described the increasing number of women doctors as ‘bad for medicine’ and forecast a staffing crisis down the line. What do you think?

Read the article to see the story: /node/1007


4) Available now! DVD about male teachers – Expect male involvement
Expect Male Involvement: Recruiting and Retaining Men in Early Childhood Education. An exciting and effective DVD about men in the lives of children is now available for purchase. It’s already been shown in Georgia, Canada and will soon be shown in Ireland. A great video about the importance of men in the lives of children.

Find out how you can purchase your own copy: /node/1085


5) Boys do better when they are taught by men, study finds
Boys will perform better in education if they have a male teacher in their primary school, according to research. A study of more than 1,000 men reveals almost half of them (48 per cent) cited male primary school teachers as having had the most impact on them during their school life. In addition, 35 per cent said having a male teacher challenged them to work harder at school while 22 per cent said males had boosted their confidence in their own ability.

Read more about the study: /node/1109


6) What’s your favorite movie about male teachers?
MenTeach keeps track of movies that have male teachers as part of their theme. Do you have a favorite movie?

See the list: /node/1113


7) False allegation: Do you have any advice?
We receive many e-mails from readers: I have a friend of a friend who has a son (25 years old and recently married) who is a day care teacher and has been wrongly accused of something two years after the event. This supposedly happened to a 4 or 5 year old who after driving by a school she used to attend where this person worked, remembered this event.

Comment about the letter: /node/1117


8) Few male teachers, but does it matter?
When Gregg Brain first considered a career in teaching, he thought he would spend his days where he found so many of his own mentors — in a high school gymnasium.

On a recent morning, Brain prepared for the school year in a very different environment — a classroom filled with coat hooks hung low on the wall and plastic chairs designed for 10-year-olds. Brain, 26, is starting his career not as a high school physical education teacher, but as an elementary educator.

Just 18 per cent of elementary school teachers in Edmonton are men, according to 2006 Statistics Canada data. That’s slightly higher than the national average of 16 per cent.

Read the entire article: /node/1114


9) Do you know someone who wants to be a teacher?
MenTeach is contacted all the time from men (and spouses and moms) asking about how to become a teacher.



10) Resources – Financial Resources and Programs for Men Teaching
Once you know that you want to teach, how do you pay for school? Or are there scholarships, grants and loans.



ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

Forward Our Message – be sure to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in teaching children.

JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach today – support our mission to increase the number of men teachers.    https://www.menteach.org/join_or_donate

VOLUNTEER for MenTeach – help make a difference by volunteering with MenTeach. We could use help moderating forums, posting articles that you find, updating the bibliography, hosting a group in your region, do some research about the percentages in your state, get involved and make some new friends. Drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to do.

E-LETTER POLICY FOR INCLUSION: MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.

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