1) First early educator nominated for Minnesota Teacher of the Year
2) First male teacher in Winnipeg, Manitoba to win MCCA Award
3) Do men’s brains change working with children?
4) New DVD about male teachers – Expect male involvement
5) Online university courses about men teaching and boy-ready classrooms
6) A One man school room
7) Missing: male teachers & elementary school principals
8) Three per cent of Britain’s nannies are male: A campaign to increase their number
9) Today’s lesson: Courage – a soldier and a teacher
10) Resources – How to get your teaching license? A state by state answer?

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1) First early educator nominated for Minnesota Teacher of the Year
I thought I would let you know that I was one of 11 finalists for Teacher of the Year in Minnesota through Education Minnesota. I spent the first weekend in May with the other finalists at a hotel in Brooklyn Park.

The teachers were from around the state and represented kindergarten through high school and special education plus me as an early childhood educator. We had a meet-and-greet on Friday night. Saturday we all hung out together and each had a half-hour interview with 22 panelists. We also had a luncheon with the panelists in the middle of the day. On Sunday, they put on a banquet.

Read the rest of his experience: /node/1074


2) First male teacher in Winnipeg, Manitoba to win MCCA Award
I work in the field of Early Childhood Education here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I thought you might be interested in knowing, we just finished our Manitoba Child Care Association’s annual conference here. On the Friday evening there was an awards dinner.

The award for Exceptional Early Childhood Educator of the Year was awarded to Terry Bussey: /node/1080


3) Do men’s brains change working with children?
There has been a discussion about an article we’ve posted to MenTeach about whether the research about father’s changes by being with young children applies to male teachers?

What do you think? /node/1083


4) New DVD about male teachers – Expect male involvement
Expect Male Involvement: Recruiting & Retaining Men in Early Childhood Education. An exciting and effective DVD about men in the lives of children is now available for purchase. It’s already been shown in Georgia, Canada and will soon be shown in Ireland. A great video about the importance of men in the lives of children.

Find out how you can purchase your own copy: /node/1085


5) Online university courses about men teaching and boy-ready classrooms
The online university course will explore current research and practice about male teachers including the status of men who teach, challenges facing men who teach, current models used to encourage and support men who teach, and resources for men who teach. Read about where you can sign up to get university credit studying about male teachers and a boy-ready classroom.

You can also find a link to some of Dr. Margaret King’s work: /node/1088


6) A One man school room
Laurence Pacey’s father was a farmer and a teacher. The senior Mr. Pacey had never attended high school, but was able to pass the state test to become a teacher. Laurence Pacey says, ‘Everything I learned about teaching I learned from my dad.’

Read his story: /node/1094


7) Missing: male teachers & elementary school principals
Out of the 21 principals who were honored that evening, Superintendent Brizard called only two men to come up and meet him. It wasn’t because the men are less effective principals. It’s because they’re so scarce. And male teachers are even harder to find.

Read the entire article: /node/1096


8) Three per cent of Britain’s nannies are male: A campaign to increase their number
A growing number of British men would like to work as nannies and childminders but fear they would be branded as paedophiles, according to a study.

An overwhelming majority of parents and non-parents want more men to join the child care profession, research to be published this week shows. Only one in 10 parents said they would be unwilling to place their children with a male carer.

Read the entire article: /node/1097


9) Today’s lesson: Courage – a soldier and a teacher
Brockton fourth-graders learn about sacrifice as their teacher leaves the classroom to begin his tour of duty in Iraq. He didn’t look quite like their teacher anymore. Peter Farley stood in front of his fourth-grade class dressed in his Army boots and camouflage gear, beret in hand.

Read his story and how he says good bye to the children: /node/1098


10) Resources – How to get your teaching license? A state by state answer?
We get numerous e-mails from men who already have their BA degree and they want to know what is required in their state. Here are some great resources to answer that question. This first resource is a great place to find state by state details:

Certification Map – A new and comprehensive resource on teacher certification. Includes state by state breakdown of requirements and lots of other helpful information. To find the link see the short article: /node/1099


ABOUT MenTEACH: This email Newsletter has been distributed by MenTeach – a clearinghouse with a mission to increase the percentage of men teaching.

Forward Our Message – be sure to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in teaching children.

JOIN or DONATE to MenTeach today – support our mission to increase the number of men teachers.    https://www.menteach.org/join_or_donate

VOLUNTEER for MenTeach – help make a difference by volunteering with MenTeach. We could use help moderating forums, posting articles that you find, updating the bibliography, hosting a group in your region, do some research about the percentages in your state, get involved and make some new friends. Drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to do.

E-LETTER POLICY FOR INCLUSION: MenTeach’s monthly e-letter includes news/resources/events that are relevant to those interested and supporting the education, support and care of children and families and who want qualified men teaching children.

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