by Alexandra Barham

MORE men enrolled on teacher training courses this year at the University of Hertfordshire, bucking the national trend.

A report by the university showed men accounted for 18 per cent of the new teaching students compared to five per cent of last year’s intake.

Kit Thomas, associate head of the School of Education, says that the national trend paints a ‘grim picture’ because fewer men across the country are accepted onto teacher training courses. He says that as a result less are applying to go on teaching courses and few complete their training.

He said: “At Hertfordshire we believe it is very important to encourage more men into the education profession and we have worked hard to achieve this increase.”

This year the School of Education has introduced men-only recruitment events and provided training to staff to recognise qualities that male applicants can bring to teaching.

He added: “We re-trained our experienced recruiting staff so they can recognise different attributes in men that they can bring to the teaching profession that might be different but equally valuable to those qualities found in their female peers.”

The School of Education is also introducing measures to ensure male students are given the support they need while studying, these include holding sessions where the male students can get together and share issues and exchange advice and ideas.