

A Report about – A National Symposium – Men in the Lives of Young Children, Chattahoochee Technical College (CTC), National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) – Men in Education Network (M.E.N.) and the Child Care Information Exchange held A National Symposium – Men in the Lives of Young Children on Wednesday, November 9, 2006 as a pre-conference session at the annual NAEYC National Conference. The symposium featured developments on men in the lives of […]

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Classroom Distinctions – One man’s classroom experience

MenTeach: This opinion piece appeared in the New York Times. Tom Moore, a 10th-grade history teacher at a public school in the Bronx, is writing a book about his teaching experiences. IN the past year or so I have seen Matthew Perry drink 30 cartons of milk, Ted Danson explain the difference between a rook […]

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Editorial: Abuse of children

One of the findings of our national study showed that one of the three major reasons why men do not enter or remain as teachers is because of fear of accusation of abuse. We receive e-mails every year from men falsely accused and then ultimately acquitted for the accusation. The fact remains that parents and people close […]

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A Discussion About Men Teachers

There’s been a great discussion over at a weblog by Dr. Helen. Below is my comment in response to the discussions: What a great discussion! First, I want to thank Dr. Helen for starting this discussion. I work with a national non-profit called MenTeach. You can see our website about men teaching at People were asking about data about […]

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Determined to succeed – #8

was the last post we received of The New Kids e-mails. He said that he was leaving the school and was going to look for another teaching job in another state. We hope we’ll hear from him again to find out what happened.] Wow, what a two weeks! The past two weeks were utterly crazy […]

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Called to the Principal’s office – #7

[MenTeach Note: We’ve asked a man who just finished his teaching program to write about his teaching job. We’ll post each of his journal entries during the year. Post your comments here for him to read – and of course, wish him luck!] So, the last two weeks have been full of ups and downs… […]

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