

The alphabet, letter by letter, every week – #5

[MenTeach Note: We’ve asked a man who just finished his teaching program to write about his teaching job. We’ll post each of his journal entries during the year. Post your comments here for him to read – and of course, wish him luck!] Wow, I’d like to apologize for going so long without writing. It’s […]

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Another week for a new teacher – #2

  People wanted to know: Did you get the classroom finished? I actually just got back from my classroom. It was the second time that I visited it. It’s pretty empty. I’ve got about three pages of notes regarding things that I want to do. So, it’s definitely a work in progress at this point. […]

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A man starts a new job as Kindergarten teacher – #1

  This is the beginning of a journal chronicling the first year of a rookie kindergarten teacher. Before I go any further, let me set the stage a little: I’m a 22 year old male, fresh out of college, teaching kindergarten at a charter school in the metro Detroit area. I am writing this journal […]

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Going on a school retreat – #4

[MenTeach Note: We’ve asked a man who just finished his teaching program to write about his teaching job. We’ll post each of his journal entries during the year. Post your comments here for him to read – and of course, wish him luck!] As I write this, I am currently laying down in a nice […]

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Kid Teacher works on his classroom – #3

  This has been an exciting week to say the least. On Tuesday, I had new teacher orientation. This two hour long meeting basically covered our insurance benefits, 401K and a TON of paperwork. I had no clue what a 401K was until Tuesday. I’ve heard the term used here and there, but I didn’t […]

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The World Series – #6

  Wow! Is time ever flying by or what?!? I’m already to the middle of October. Things are starting to get better (at least for now). The past two weeks were rather rough, but I finished off Friday on a HUGE positive note. Let’s venture back two weeks…. (it feels like a long, long time […]

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