

Parents want more male primary teachers

Call for male primary teachers A drive to recruit more male primary teachers in England is being launched by the Training and Development Agency for Schools. The TDA is trying to redress the gender imbalance in the profession at primary school level. It has carried out research which suggests 83% of parents would like to […]

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I want to teach elementary school

Dear Mr. Nelson, I have just received my AA transfer degree from Edmonds Community College in the state of Washington (3.56 GPA) and on the 19th of this month I’ll be starting on a degree in elementary education at Western Washington University’s Woodring College of Education. I read the CNN article that described your organization […]

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Second career in teaching

Dear MenTeach, I have just visited your website and I totally support your idea to recruit more men into teaching. I work in public health in elementary schools and see kindergarden teachers in action. It was strange to see at first but the male teachers I’ve seen have a different teaching style. They seem to […]

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Male director hiring male teachers in Australia

I am a male Director of a long day care centre. It is being built at the moment and will be operating in 8 weeks. I’ll be looking to employ one or two male workers as part of a team of ten. In the Australian context, this will be fairly innovative to have a few […]

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The man who became a school

I have read your website with great interest, having written a book [The Man Who Became a School, (2004)] about the career of a man who devoted his entire career to being a teacher and principal at a small, rural school in Southern Illinois. Children in rural schools are as at-risk as those in the inner […]

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