

I am only 41 and just retired from the practice of law to become a teacher. I finished all but writing my thesis for a masters in Ed and I was not the oldest man in my group. There was a retired man of 60 years who was looking to teach middle school, as well as another fellow my age who was going into high school education. I must also tell you that here in the western ‘burbs of Chicago the job market is tight so I am working as an aide in a 5/6 grade split room. There is also a 63 year old man that was just hired as an aide and the comments from all the teachers have been that they are so happy to have us in the school. The students are also very happy, I think you have more to offer than you may even know. Life provides a depth of experiences that are sooooo valuable to young people, especially those with no male role models, that a 22 year old can’t provide. I have been a little frustrated that this doesn’t seem to be recognized by many administrators though.

Bottom line, DO IT, it will be hard and frustrating ( I left my own law pracrice to earn $11.00/hour, a mere $189.00/hour pay cut) but I find that it is so personally rewarding that the other things are little easier to swallow. Having an incredibly supportive wife also helps.