Home Forum General disscusions Expanding the 3 R’s exponentially

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      I’m a retired, male, elementary school teacher who now substitutes in my local schools. I have also noticed the decrease of male teachers, especially at the lower grades.

      Three to four days a week I try to “cross-pollinate” my ideas of teaching honed over 39 years with the “lesson plans” I’m left. I then post blogs once a week about my successes and failures and experiences in this regard. I’ve been doing this for over one year and have seen some response. It is all anonymous.

      I’m observing more and more “teaching to the test” and teaching how to take tests so schoool scores can go up and “funding” can increase. This is not “educating for life”…which is my firm belief.

      heck out my blog if you are interested: http://www.3rrubrics.blogspot.com

      Thanks, Bob

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