While the Covid-19 pandemic ravaged our world in 2021, Praise B. Nelson gained a new appreciation for animal companionships and deepened the relationship with her German Shepherd Dog friend (Aslan). Lockdowns also gave her new appreciation for friendships because she missed going on adventures with friends.

Having lost two beloved aunts that year (non-Covid related), Praise had ample opportunity to reflect, to get sick, get healed, and channel her love for writing. She wondered about the possibility of planets inhabited by wise animals who knew more than a thing or two about medicine, science, and engineering, and she decidedly parlayed her love for adventure, storytelling, animals, and science into a book the likes of which has never been seen before. Big Little Wonders: A collection of never-told-before adventures is a delightfully told, beautifully illustrated, and moral-driven anthology book for middle-grade adventurers, teaching kids some important life lessons while keeping them entertained for hours. Praise introduces us to tinkering, engineering cats that attend MIT, planet-hopping buddies, and a continent where tuna fish is plenty, and cats are acrobats and 911 operators. With wisdom for one so young, she writes about gratitude, space missions, science and shows us why sisters are the best. She emphatically states this is a book of anthropomorphism adventures for adventurers. In her words, “I love, love, love to write stories. I also love drawing animals, playing my guitar, writing songs, and playing basketball. Of course, not all at once.”

Praise is Scandinavian (Swedish/Norwegian), Nigerian, German, Scottish, French, British, Spaniard, and American. She admits that that’s a lot of things to be and invites everyone to simply call her Praise, a young girl who loves God. Reviewers gave “Big Little Wonders: A collection of never-told-before adventures” a 5/5 star rating, judging the book to be fun, funny, lighthearted, yet packed full of good messages.

The book is currently available for sale on Amazon and is slated for hard copy release to all major US bookstores in the Summer of 2022. Praise (& dad/mom) can be reached at www.praisebnelson.com or www.BigLittleWonders.com for further information.