

Ontario Television panel discussion talking about men teachers

Watch the video panel discussion about men teaching and read the follow-up controversial comments at: Onatrio Televsion.

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Men in the classroom, teachers and role models

Being a male elementary school teacher sometimes carries with it the added responsibility of being a male role model. “For a lot of kids, I’m the only male they interact with on the daily basis,” said Ken Hamerlinck, first-grade teacher at Sheridan Elementary School, Bloomington. “You owe it to them to be a good role […]

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Complacency over current shortage of male teachers

Like many boys, my son has gone through his entire primary schooling without having had a male teacher. Does it matter? Do boys need male role models? Would he be a more rounded person, better able to fit into society, if he had the experience of both male and female teachers? Of course it matters. […]

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More male teachers not required, says report

Boosting the number of male teachers in school would have little impact on boys’ attitudes towards education or their academic results, a report says today. Only one in eight primary teachers is a man and the figure for nurseries is smaller at one in eleven, but the idea boys would do better if they had […]

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Legal issues of accusations

There is an interesting discussion about hugging children in the Atlanta newspaper. Here is one excerpt: As to the male teachers: Remember I’m a lawyer – I do criminal cases. I’m by nature somewhat conservative. My point of view is skewed by my work where I walk into these disasters and try to throw enough […]

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